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How To Trademark Face Your Business With Great Success

Trademark is a mark that depicts the type of company and its related products and services to the domestic and international market. Trademark is not a new term to the business world; it was being introduced since the ancient time during the age of 17s and 18s. If we flash back in 18s then there were many trademarks that are still renowned in today’s corporate world like 

Bass Brewery's red triangle in 1876

Samson Rope Technologies's wrestling a loin in 1884


Averill Chemical Paint Company's an eagle and a ribbon in 1870


Edgar Rice Burroughs's Tarzan in 1923


Chubby Checker's stage name in 1997

Besides these; there are many more that have got registration in 18s but still presence in the market with great popularity and favorability. In the year of 1980 around ten thousand of trademark applications were registered in the country of USA where in 2011 the figure hiked to 300000. Since the business world had been established during the age of A.D and B.C the process of trademark has been followed by the different companies where the amendments have also been taken place by the concern authorities at regular interval of time. Thus; it is quite beneficial and necessary to get familiar with each and every aspect of act or la in respect of which you need services.

For trademark registration in India; there are several rules and regulations where one need to comply with while applying for trademark registration in delhi or in any state or city of the nation. Here, below we bring you with list of procedure for the same.

Get your proposed trademark first search in respect of Registrar office of trademark locally and globally.


After getting conformity about the novelty and originality of the proposed trademark; file an application for the trademark registration in the respective area like in India the trademark offices are being located at Ahemdabad, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata.


Note : Application for trademark registration Bangalore need to file in the office of Chennai.


During filing an application all the necessary details about the trademark like product on which it is being used, areas where it will get launch, if earlier used then its details and many more are need to submit at the concern authority along with trademark registration fees.


After getting passed from all the steps; finally apply for certificate of trademark registration in India. 

Besides these; there are many points that one need to be remember and follow before filing an application for trademark registration Chennai. If you feel complex then you might contact to any of the reputed trademark law firm in India that serve you with the complete segment of trademark services including free trademark search, trademark application, trademark renewal, trademark litigation, trademark prosecution and lots more. As now with the inclusion of numerous law web portals; it is now being easy to carry with online trademark search and can also able to file online application for trademark registration.

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