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Exchange Experiences, Study Clues, Identify Directions, Stress Implementations Trademark Office Organized Trademark Administrative Enforcement Meeting

To summarize trademark administrative enforcements among all local AICs and Market Supervision departments, to promote Beijing’s Experience, to supervise the special action for cracking down trademark infringement and identifying source of origin, On December 20, Trademark Office organized the national AICs and Market Supervision departments trademark enforcement meeting in Huangshi of Hubei.

  Since the past 2016, AICs and Market Supervision departments at all levels resolutely implemented SAIC Party Committee’s decisions and deployments, took an urgent willing to reform and to explore innovative supervision methods, which practically strengthened trademark rights protections, and strongly fostered a sound business environment. All departments have made great achievements in trademark supervision enforcements and accumulated great experiences. Representatives from Beijing, Hubei and Jiangsu at the meeting exchanged respective experiences. Beijing AIC insisted in service for capital reform, took the main efforts in trademark rights protection and Olympic Logo protection, strengthened trademark enforcements and trademark strategy implementation, trademark supervision coordination among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, enhanced system and mechanism, laws and regulations, opinions and promotions, enforcement team buildings, which promoted active contribution for capital brand economic development. Hubei AIC innovated trademark supervision methods, oriented in market requirements, strengthened “order based” fighting against infringements, explored “clue based” fighting against infringements, took accurate supervision with the help of big data and comprehensively promote trademark protections. Jiangsu AIC fought against major illegal behaviors, focused on right protection pains, and solved enforcement difficulties to comprehensively promote trademark enforcement.

  In the meeting, the action fighting against infringements and identifying source of origin was carefully studied. Since the deployment of the action three months ago, all departments at all levels paid great attentions and solidly promote it. Trademark Office received about 2000 case clues and 167 cases. After the sortation, 571 cases involving 30 provinces were found. Frequent case clues involved in 10 regions including Guangzhou. Representatives there reported work developments.

  Lin Junqiang notified recent work in trademark enforcement. He indicated that new development and achievement have been made in all departments at all levels in fighting against infringement, trademark rights protection, trademark supervision training and promotions. He stressed to solidly carry out the action fighting against infringements and identifying source of origin. He required to solidly implement the concentrated case investigation, to ensure case qualities, to strengthen effect evaluation and summarize experience, to enhance promotion and create sound public atmosphere. He asked all departments to unify ideologies, strengthen trademark protections and focus on the special action to make efforts in creating trademark supervision new achievements. He proposed to firstly deeply promote the fighting against infringements and counterfeits, secondly to strengthen trademark rights protection for new achievements, thirdly to improve coordination for creating public governance, fourthly to promote trademark agents supervision by the random inspections according to the principle of randomly selecting supervision subject and object and timely making publicities, fifthly to strengthen enforcement capacity building, and sixthly to enhance the promotions on actions against infringements and counterfeits.

  Cui Shoudong at his summarization, comprehensively affirmed the achievements made in trademark supervision by AICs and Market Supervision departments such as Beijing AIC, and proposed two requirements for further implementing the meeting’s spirits. First was to strongly promote Beijing Experience for all AICs and Market Supervision departments at all levels and comprehensively improve supervisions. Second was to paid great attentions on identifying source of origins and relevant case investigations, to actively solve difficulties and to coordinate all actions as a whole.

    He stressed to deeply implement minister Zhang Mao’s important speech spirits in recent investigating trademark issues, to solidly make efforts in trademark enforcement while carrying out trademark facilitation reform. He asked to firstly actively carry out the responsibility on trademark rights protection and make efforts in enforcements and case investigations; secondly to strongly promote regional enforcement coordination and ensure its effects; thirdly was to strengthen trademark agents supervision and normalize the agent orders.

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