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Trademark Pledge Financing Work Meeting Begins the Reform of Trademark Registration System

  • 2016-08-04
  •   On June 22, Trademark Office organized AIC (Market Supervision) system work meeting on trademark pledge financing experience exchange and training to promote models, exchange practices, organized trainings. Liu Junchen, vice minister of SAIC and the director general of Trademark Office was present at and addressed the meeting.

      High Attentions and Elaborate Organizations Brought in Fruitful Achivements

      Trademark Office paid high attentions to the organization of the meeting. Delegates from Taizhou government, Zhejiang AIC, Fujian AIC and Anhui AIC, financing Institutes and enterprises in the meeting exchanged their experiences. Trademark Pledge could help enterprises to excite trademark intangible assets, to solve finance difficulties, to serve popular entrepreneurship and mass innovation, to promote local economic development and to instruct the formation of brand and credit appreciation in society. It also exchanged model practices and successful experiences which were examples for trademark pledges in the following work. At the meeting, staffs from Trademark Office and Taizhou acceptance center conducted trainings on legal system and practices in relating to trademark pledges and the major duties for new centers.

      Improving Awareness and Innovating Ideas to Promote Trademark Pledge Issues

      Liu Junchen expressed the 25 new trademark pledges centers were one important measure for innovation and facilitating applicants. He required the pilot areas implement SAIC’s all methods into realities following the deployment of the State Council’s requirements on “streamlining administrations, delegating power, strengthening regulation and improving service”. He suggested to make security arrangements on areas, staffs and costs to improve professional skills and services, to innovate working methods to connect financial institutes with enterprises, to instruct the strengthening of independent brands’ building for enterprises, and to free market vitality and social creativity to promote trademark pledge financing work into new level.

      Streamlining Administrations and Optimizing Services to Promote the Overall Implementation of Trademark Reform

      Liu Junchen indicated that SAIC had been focusing on reform and legal building to optimize trademark services and to strengthen supervision and enforcement to establish a favorable brands’ development environment. Under the new situation, he expressed that Trademark Office would insist in the spirit of Business System reform, follow its basic rules and principles, target at the facilitation of registration, the standardization of supervision and the internationalization of brand, to comprehensively promote trademark registration and administration system reform. He required the whole system to fully aware of the importance of current reform, to comprehensively increase senses of responsibility and urgency, to reform with determinations, to deeply carry out trademark and brand strategy, to serve local economic development and to serve national economic and social development.

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